A new coat of paint

Our Shrewsbury shop has been re painted and the sign has been redone this last week. Its amazing how many more people have noticed the shop, we've only been here 22 years! It had been due to be done last month, but the great British weather got in the way. Our name above the shop front is the original from 22 years ago so really was due to be redone. This time though it has been had painted by Andy Field, the sign writer. He's been doing this for 40 years, so an expert in his field but he does know everyone, which meant everyone stopped to have a chat. Not a problem, we much prefer to do business with people who are local and are experts. Its much easier to have something printed off and stuck on the front, but we decided to go down the hand painted route and we are very pleased with the result. Here's to the next 22 years.

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